Wednesday, June 7

Monday Tube

Late Show: Lindsay Lohan was horrible. TERRIBLE. HORRID. RUN AWAY. In her appearance on Dave last night, she not only embarrassed herself, but me too -- here in my living room. She's a bumbling, rambling, nervous, unintelligent, childish, naive, lanky, ugly fool. Dave had a great time with her... making her squirm and trying to focus her -- she actually got up to leave at one point. Christ. She does better in magazines folks, no not because of her looks, but because SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO TALK IN A MAGAZINE. I wouldn't pay a million dollars to be an editor for one of her magazine interviews. Dumbass. I'll see her new movie, but I'll close my eyes when she's on the screen.

Lovespring, International (Mondays @ 11pm EST) on Lifetime, television for women and Beedows, was alright. It wasn't spectacular, but it wasn't bad. I had a good time watching it, laughing out loud at a couple points -- Jennifer Elise Cox as the secretary--excuse me, executive assistant--had some grand moments when she caught her coworker (Sam Pancake) in an embrace on his desk with his brother-in-law... and then went to squeal on him to their boss, played by the superb Jane Lynch.

The Times is right on the mark when it explains this show in the same vein as Christopher Guest and Larry David -- but the problem is that mainstream America has not caught on. That's why Mitch Hurwitz's brilliantly irreverent Arrested Development was cancelled. It doesn't look like LI is going to turn into something as groundbreaking--that's right, groundbreaking--as AD, but who knows. At least it's a step in the right direction.

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