Tuesday, July 17

Back in Business and Ain't it Grand

Well, I actually am alive, contrary to popular belief. I don't want you to get teary-eyed or anything, but I'm glad you're here. I got my stats-report in the email last week and see that there are a couple of you (I don't know who you are, I just know you're there) who continue to check the site to see if I've said anything. And I know I've been a disappointment.

But now, about six weeks since my last post, I am simply here to say that this Friday at midnight, I will be joining the oodles of underage wizards and pick up my reserved copy of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. And no, I won't give anything away here until I feel enough time has passed that anyone who's anyone will have already read it already. But, needless to say, I'm glad that I have some extra time this weekend to read -- I only have a Saturday evening and a Sunday matinee performance to prohibit my continuous reading of what may be the most anticipated novel of all time.