Friday, January 4

P.S.: I'll tell the truth

I mean, I'm not going to lie to you in my second post of the year, so, that means I guess I have to tell the truth. Which, well, to tell the truth, is not going to make me seem like the best person in the world. On the other hand, telling the truth will raise my level of self-importance because, simply, I am telling the truth which so many people don't do nowadays. And quite frankly, telling the truth about this topic is really no big deal at all, really, when you come right down to it. So, to sum it up, I'm not sure why I said "it's not going to make me seem like the best person in the world." Perhaps it will make you scoff at me, or turn your nose up, or turn the other cheek (what?), but ... nah, it's no big deal. So, here goes nothing:

I liked P.S. I LOVE YOU.

Sorry. I know. I couldn't believe it either. I didn't want to. I didn't choose to. It's a romcom (wow, that's a new cool phrase I learned from reading a blog of a friend of a friend who is in the know and inside the industry, and I liked it ... plus, it makes me feel like I'm writing for Variety, or rather, it makes you feel like you're reading Variety, which many of you probably have never read anyway because it's not so important to you). So, a romantic-comedy it is. But, it's not your standard Julia Roberts romcom, no. It's funny and quirky. It offers a small who's who of Broadway/NYC theatre people (Susan Blackwell and Sherie Renee Scott, and of course the incredibly strange yet really cool Nellie McKay) and made me laugh. Out loud in fact.

That said, I have no idea why I'm writing more about this movie than another movie that I truly LOVED but only gave a mention the other day. JUNO is HYsterical, brilliant, lovely, cute, charming, and perfect. It's wonderful. I mean, come on, who doesn't love a good story about teenage pregnancy?

Tuesday, January 1

Be Great in Oh Eight

With the dawning of a new year upon us, we take a mo' to pause and consider...

I had one official resolution for 2007, and I failed - miserably. All I asked was that I learn the guitar. Alas, I picked up a guitar maybe three or four days in the entire year. So, in 2008, I will once again make the attempt, although, maybe if I don't make it an official resolution, I won't be pressured, and then I'll be able to actually do it. So, it's a "back burner resolution" if you will (and if you won't, then poop to you).

My official resolution? Officially? What about only eating fast food as many times I can count on my fingers or less. That sounds good. I had an egregious amount of it last night before our sold-out performance (the only such performance of the whole run down here in Sunny Land), and I felt poopy. Literally and figuratively. So, yes, that's it. Okay. Maybe make it twelve times at the most, which would give me a double quarter pounder with cheese once a month this year... that sounds reasonable for a guy who was eating it a WAY LOT more than that in years past.

I'm also going to
- drink more water
- do more crunches
- take a dance class
- get a voice teacher
- do a fringe/festival show this summer instead of doing crappy stock jobs
- invite an agent to said fringe/festival show
- sign with agent
- keep my "chords of steel" healthy and in shape
- not be depressed* (i.e. not drink alone in excess)
- travel/visit/spend time with my friends, even if it costs money, because there's no time to waste
- blog more often (i.e. at least once a week. at least.)

* 2007 was the Year of Small Audiences and Depressing Days. I refuse to let both of those things happen again. I basically have zero control over the size of the audiences I perform for, [and no, I don't care that I use dangling modifiers] so I won't harp on it. Which means I MUST control the depressing days, and that just means being happy and positive and getting up on the right side of the bed -- which could technically be the left side, depending on whether I'm at home or in a hotel or on vacation or ... well, you get the point. So far, 2008 has started out better than many many past years, which I am grateful for.