Sunday, December 30

I believe I was the first to coin the phrase...

You Better Believe It!

So, here I am (Yes, JJ), back. For good? Well, maybe for bad. But, back at least for the time being temporarily. It's tough writing a column all the time. I mean, think about it. Not only do I have to live my life, but write to my Dear Diary each evening and then fill all y'all in on it? No wonder I'm writing this post at quarter past three in the morning in the middle of my busy work week.

That's right folks - just because you're on a weekend doesn't mean we all are. I get Mondays and Tuesdays off - but not this Monday because of the holiday, I have to get up and put on a damn show Monday night. So, while most of the world is sitting on their easy chairs on Saturdays and Sundays, I'm waking up at the crack of eleven to warm up la voce so I can sing a song for the nineteen of you who choose to come to any of our two shows either day. Of course there's also a Friday evening, and this week a Monday evening, so whatever, life gets busy.

But, I'm less busy than I would be if I weren't on this job. Were I back in the Big Apple, I'd probably be pulling my hair out from balancing two or three jobs, and covering upwards of 50 hours a week. Down here on the beach, I'm working an easy 20 hours a week, and feeling grand.

Love to my homies.

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