Sunday, November 26

Third Time's the Charm (1/365.c)

It was one week ago when I last posted here. An entire week of failure at the now infamous PROJECT 365. But, I think I've learned a lot in this week. Perhaps most importantly, who cares if I fail? There's been so little discussion of it, no comments really, and so, who cares? Why am I even attempting to write a post each day? For what purpose am I striving?

I think what it comes down to is self. We challenge ourselves to be better people, better sons or daughters, mothers or fathers, teachers or students, artists or atheletes. It's inevitable that we want to become good at something. Perhaps some of us are good at something already: mathematics, science, finance, trading stocks, taking our vitamins each day without forgetting... but there are others of us who are in need of something to challenge us further.

I initiated PROJECT 365 as a way of challenging myself to a major goal. It's an enormous enterprise, this writing every single day for an entire year thing. But as I considered backing out again this week, I realized it would just be another notch on the failure stick I have under my bed. Each time I don't complete a task, I put another hash mark on the ol' hickory. I didn't want to do it again, so, I left the failure stick in its place, opened my PowerBook and logged on to the beta version of Blogger.

Don't be a stranger. Leave your comments and criticisms, as they might stir in me some fabulous ideas. I look forward to writing for you every day.


Anonymous said...

I'm planning on doing a variation on Project 365.
Starting pretty damn soon, perhaps as early as tonight, I'm going to try to do 365 posts by the end of 2007. A straight up 365/365 seemed doomed from the start, but an extra month might be okay.
Although not as pure as the original challenge, even if i pull this poor man's version off, it's infinitely more posts than I have been producing.
So, I say, go me!
Also, these posts are going to be scattered over the three different blogs...
My first post will be on livejournal, so keep an eye out!

J.J. said...

You are writing for me.

Anonymous said...

You are writing on me.

I mean, I LIKE when you are writing ON me. Yeah, it's a unique fetish, but we're all grown-ups: mature, bright, most likely deviant in some colorful way...
I PREFER Sharpie markers, although those blue papermate pens aren't bad.
Pencils, well, I have to be in the mood. They're kind of love/hate.
A newly sharpened pencil KILLS your back, but if you make a mistake, that cute stubby eraser is kind of pleasant..!
But, omg, don't make the mistake I made in a chat room, lol!
So, I was talking about how I was into "No. 2," IF in the right mood, and these people were suddenly coming out of the woodwork talking about something COMPLETELY different.
Well, it was filthy.
And had NOTHING to do with writing.
Well, except for that QUILLS freak.