Tuesday, November 7



I had just turned on my computer and was pondering what to write about tonight when I noticed I had just missed a phone call and had a voice mail message. Now, I can't go into a lot of specifics here, because that would mean divulging myself or my friends' names. So, my friend called with two messages. One of them was fantastic, but I will save it for another dry day in blog land. The second was from her roommate, who sometimes works in a certain capacity at a certain Broadway show. The roommate said, simply: "Beth Leavel told me today that she likes cake." HOLLER!

Earlier this summer, I professed my love for this woman and thought, hey, maybe I should send her a banana bread that I cooked since I am pretty darn good at baking banana bread (no nuts, "cuz men don't like nuts" <---anyone? name that musical). Well, we decided that if I did send the bread, Beth would probably have thrown it away because, hey, could have been a scary stalker, right? So, we left it at that and ate it ourselves. I had forgotten about that proposed idea and moved on in my life, until tonight.

I came home from the theatre, seeing a production of Greenberg's THREE DAYS OF RAIN, to this amazing note on my voice mail. I should start practicing baking cake. I wonder what kind of cake she likes? Chocolate? Vanilla? Ice-cream? And frosting... cream cheese? Strawberry? The kind with those little flecks of sugar in it? And, just as vital, what should I write on the cake when I do have it delivered to her dressing room?

My grandmother used to work in a bakery. She is one of the foremost cake decorators I know. She's great. To this day, damn, she makes a good cake. I'll have to talk with her about it and get her ideas for what I should send to this amazing lady. I can only hope that this lady doesn't get freaked out by a cake. By my love for her. Maybe I should avoid the word love all together. Maybe it should be something like, "YOU ROCK." Or, "HERE'S A CAKE YOU CAN HAVE. AND EAT, TOO." I'll work on some other ideas.

WOO HOO. The excitement is in the air.

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