Survey: Movies
1: Popcorn or candy? Nothing. I don't know why people insist on eating during a movie. It makes loud noises (gurgle, crunch, pop, cicero, lipshitz) and sticks to the floor and drives me insane. Plus, the popcorn kernels get stuck in my teeth.
2. Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever. STAR WARS, any or all of them.
3. You are given the power to recall one Oscar: Who loses theirs and to whom? I don't care, but they should give it to me. 4. Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe. Which will it be? Ray Bolger's scarecrow.
5. Your favorite film franchise is... Christopher Guest-u-mentaries.
6. Invite five movie people over for dinner. Who are they? Why'd you invite them? What do you feed them? Jack Nicholson, Julie Andrews, Gene Kelly, Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman (and Gene Wilder and Faye Dunaway). They all seem like fun, and I think we'd all have a lot to chat about. I'd have them fill out a menu card in advance: check one - bacon cheeseburger, beef on weck, chicken finger sub, or for the veg's, beer.
7. What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater? Chinese water torture.
8. Choose a female bodyguard: Ripley from Aliens. Mystique from X-Men. Sarah Connor from Terminator 2. The Bride from Kill Bill. Mace from Strange Days. What about Angelica Houston from THE WITCHES? I bet she'd bite someone's head off.
9. What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie? Not a movie. Youtube. Just watch.
10. Your favorite genre (excluding comedy and drama) is? SINGIN IN THE RAIN. It's a genre in itself.
11. You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power? I cast me in as many films as possible, giving me an extensive array of characters and situations to play, offering the public exactly what they want: me.
12. Bonnie or Clyde? Well, Bonnie. Because didn't Clyde have some sort of sexual inablities? I don't want that. So, Bonnie.
13. Who are you tagging to answer this survey? All y'all.
Gene Kelly is dead.
Like your career.
(JK JK. I just wanted to rile up the entitled diva in you.)
Oh man!
That cheap scare worked!
So, i'm first watching this with the sound off, because the Dr.'s still asleep, and I was too lazy to get my headphones downstairs.
And I'm watching the youTube clip in silence.
"Is that the girl who was revealed to be an actress in her YouTube posts?"
I'm wondering if the scary part is something society-related, like some strange confessional trend.
And then I see the x-rayed image face suddenly appear. Well, I wasn't startled, but then I realized what this whole clip was about.
So, NOW I get the headphones because I'm curious what she's saying, what the set-up is.
I plug in, I start the clip, and I'm getting music!
And i'm thinking, "aw, crap, [the Dr.'s] got some music compilation playing automatically apparently,"
so I tried to figure out how to shut it off. I'm clicking desktop options looking for the mediaplayer thing, and then I just happen to catch a glimpse of the clip before it suddenly starts screaming!
Startled the crap out of me!
But, I love stuff like that because when it works, i want to see if I can duplicate it in a narrative context (ie. a horror film, etc.)
The one movie I worked on, PRISON OF THE PSYCHOTIC DAMNED, is a whole movie (it has a beginning, middle and end), but it lacks scares, big or small. It has gore, make-up and female flesh, so there are other things going for it, but the scare thing is not really there.
So this was actually an interesting experience.
...ya f---!
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