Monday, January 1

I Resolve!

Success. NYE07 was a blast -- despite the fact mi amiga L'il B was, for about an hour, assumed dead. Also, these are images from the Queen City's ball/car drop.

There's nothing quite like a new start, a new beginning, a brand new day. The movies tout them, the musicals sing about them, and in real-life, we humans have a chance every 365 days to give ourselves that fake opportunity for the promise of what will inevitably become failure. Sure, we can resolve all we want about gymming, salading, and optimistiking, but how often can we actually accomplish said tasks? I admire the people who do, or who believe they do, or who at least spend the first day of a new year thinking they're going to. Even more, I admire the people who actually announce to their friends the things they're going to do to improve their lives in the next twelve months. They're letting everyone see their cards, and if they go all in with 9s and 3s, everyone will know and be able to scoff.

Well, I won't do all of that. I already look good, feel great, eat healthy, workout often, think positively, have lots of friends, practice many talents, et al ad nauseam. So I'll just give you one thing you can harp on me about -- and I hope you will: playing the guitar. I've always wanted to learn. And think it would be fun. So, I resolve in 2007 to learn to play the guitar.

And, for all you out there who won't let me get away without the following, here's a list of things that maybe I'll try to do if I remember or think about them or get bored or whatever:

+ Learn to play the piano better
+ Write a children's book
+ Write a musical libretto
+ Finish my first DVD and at least make a major dent in the second
+ Get on Broadway, or at least make a living without a survival job
+ Get a church choir job
+ Read more and varied books
+ Instead of feeling depressed, get out and do something
+ Make the most of living in a major metropolitan area
+ Win the lottery
+ Ship it


J.J. said...

Those photos are crap.

Beedow said...

then let's see yours, smarty

Anonymous said...

Although Beedow's got a point, JJ's not wrong at all.

Meanwhile: "finish my first DVD"?
You mean watching one or making one or what?
And if it's making one, please explain further.

Beedow said...

ah! making one. i've got the footage, i'm just editing. and it's only home-movies at this point, but still.

Anonymous said...

sounds very cool
good luck!