Sunday, December 31


I've been waiting for years. It never happens. There's always a possibility, sometimes distinct, sometimes hazy. It's always a huge ordeal, and granted, we've gotten better at it over the years. The past couple have been alright, most likely because of the options age offers. But never, never once has it truly been grand.

What is it? New Year's Eve. Or, NYE. This is usually preceeded by a similiarly blank and void Big Wednesday attempt just over a month before. However, this year, BW was blazing. Lots of fun, lots of excitement, lots of people, lots of adult beverages... we couldn't go wrong. Dare we play by those rules, and expect tonight to be as g-funk as Big Wednesday was? I say YES!

And that's how I learned to love NYE.

Tomorrow, resolutions for aught-seven before I say goodbye to the Queen City.

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