Monday, April 2


Today, I wasn't going to buy anything.

Instead, I bought a snickers bar. A big one. And ate the whole thing.

Worse, I'll probably go home and eat nachos. Or oreos. Or ice cream.


Anonymous said...

A couple weeks ago, I started doing Weight Watchers online.
Mostly motivated because my friend Emil asked me to act in his latest horror film project, BANSHEE.
I can't tell you the name of my character without divulging too much plot info, unfortunately.
But, that's not why i write...
So I'm trying to lose some weight so I'm not a complete fat-ass come May 7, when principal shooting starts.
So far, I've lost 2.5 lbs. in 2 weeks, which is good, solid safe weight loss. Well, 2 lbs./week would be solid-er...
Anyways, yesterday, MONDAY, was my weigh-in day. I tried not to eat too much during the day (because I weigh-in after work-- and that's arbitrary, it just started that way).
So, I'm planning on pigging out AFTER my weigh-in (shut up!), but the Doctor wanted to go grocery shopping and I got home later than I expected because of errands.
So, we leave right away after my weigh-in.
Meanwhile, the Doctor's been on this Weight Watchers program since the beginning of the year (lost 44 lbs. so far!) and she wanted to stop at Dick's Sporting Goods because she needs a new set of hiking boots because she blew out her old pair that day sliding down a hill while hiking in a local park for exercise.
We spend FOREVER there.
Then we're at Wegman's, and the food bar's closed by that time.
So, i'm waiting to get something to eat AFTER we're F-------ing
FOOD shopping.

It was the first time I was so hungry I started SWEATING.
Man, that turkey sub from Wilson Farms on the way home was awesome!
Plus, did you know that Diet Mountain Dew is finally available in 1 liter bottles!?
Previously it was only the smaller bottles (like 20 and 24 oz. and the 2 liter).

I'm deliriously pathetic.

Go big-ass candy bars!

J.J. said...

Before I do my comment, let me say that the above comment is the best comment I've ever read about anything.

My comment: I eat an average of three to five king-size Snickers bars a week. No joke. It's filthy.

Beedow said...

agreed. cattleworks, you're a loco man.

Anonymous said...

you like nachos.