Wednesday, April 4

Do Mi Sol

In other parts of the world, people go on with there humdrum lives and never realize certain things. Here A(t) (j)OE'S, we try to bring to light life's little curiosities for your pleasure.

So, I'm in rehearsal for this children's musical. It's fine, it's fine, whatever, no biggie. But I have spent all week with these repetitive musical phrases, and then I come home and find myself swimming in the lyrics and melody lines. AHHHHHH! Get out of my head. They're there when I shower, when I eat, when I think, when I sleep, when I wake up, when I am writing this ...

So, mister and missus scientists out there, why is it that these damnable songs won't leave my friggin' skull? Get out! Go away! Never come back because I hate you.

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