Failure = Success
It was inevitable, I guess. There's only so much a dog can take, you know? And I guess this was it. A few days shy of three months, and I lost it. My brain stumbled, and actually began to think of other things. But, there's no excuse, I failed again.
Maybe it's for the better. I decided to observe some Lenten obligations beginning yesterday, and I fasted. Let me tell you, I was STARVING. But it felt good knowing that I didn't eat an entire bag of chips before I went to bed like usual. And, I am on day five of my before-bed-better-belly-brigade. So, perhaps I was spending my time thinking about other things and just figured that there was no need to remember (j)OE'S.
Either way, I'm not going to get myself down. I'm excited about my new found freedom, the endless possibilites that await me now that I'm no longer tied to a daily writing routine here at (j)OE'S.
Now, I know some of you will be angry, and think I've failed. But what is failure? To me, it's not completing a project you set out to do ... well, OK, then I guess I have failed. But, perhaps we should measure the success I've encrued while failing. I've gotten back into blogging, and have had something to keep me busy daily. Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep and realized I hadn't posted, I make the conscious decision to let it go. It's fine. Let it go.
From now on, I'll try to post regularly, but am not going to stress about it. Take this as an opportunity for you too to let some stress go, release yourself from the shackles of yesterday and go fly a kite.
(Name the two musicals for extra points ...)
On the theme of failing, "encrued" is nowhere close to being an actual word.
I believe there is a precedent for "encrued" somewhere in a recent State of the Union address...
"Our friends the Iraqis should be congratified at all the democratic progress that they've worked so hard to encrue..."
Of course, I'm paraphrasing... but the word was definitely used more than once:
"Democracy can not be encrued over night. There are times you have to sit and uh... have a beverage, and reflectimate on the various aspects of encruable liberty achieved and what needs to be further, uh... done."
So you encrue away, baby! Flaunt it, flaunt it!
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