Monday, November 5

...Moving On Up

No worries. I am okay. And writing (almost) stream-of-consciousness today:

I realized the last post was crazy and haphazard and made some of you worried or conerned for me and my life. Well, almost immediately after I wrote it, my apartment was burglarized while I was there. I'm not going to rehash the thing, but don't worry - I'm okay. I was pretty shaken up about the whole thing, and ready to just get the hell out of dodge (i.e.: New York City), but I thought that might have been a little rash looking back on it.

I'm better and calmer now. I am also less streessed out and less depressed about life in general. I guess you just have to turn lemons into lemonade, and who doesn't like lemonade? So, I'm making efforts to consciously turn my attitude around and crawl out of that darkest corner of the dark place. No more dark place, instead, I'm actively searching the happy place.

So, I'm working a lot this week, seeing a couple different plays, putting money in the bank, and eating what I want (yep, I broke down forom my no-McDonalds-until-Thanksgiving-binge and had quarter pounder meal yesterday, it was delicious). I'm happier and that's what counts.

I've also just started working on my new project which will keep me busy in my downtime (that's right - I'm gonna write a book!). So, don't fret my pets. Just send me emails and comments so I have something to do during the 50+ hours I'll be at work sitting in front of a computer this week.



Unknown said...

Sweet Jesus!!! BURGERED while you were there? Please tell me you wre sleeping!!

And I do love lemonaide... and have learned to make it with Stevia!!

It's an actual plant and not fake!!

What shows are you seeing? I'm going to see The Ritz tonight!! EXCITED!!!

-- Kaela -- said...

Chris Handley...

I am so happy I stumbled on your blog. It's interesting to see someone is in the same boat I am.

I am glad to see you're doing better and having fun.

Let's catch up soon?

kaela altman*